From: Natural News
According to the FDA, you should always seek medical advice from your orthodox medical doctor before attempting any natural healing protocol. If you do, I suggest you find one that knows what
natural healing is and how it works using herbs, nutraceuticals and other adjunctive remedies. Only practitioners using drugs are allowed to claim they treat, prevent or cure disease. Natural
healing practitioners may not make that claim even if their protocols actually do.
What to do and not to do – How to be Well Through Natural Healing
If you don’t know by now, pathogens are not the causes of dis-ease. They are a sign, signal or symptom of the true underlining cause; and that cause is The HONSTEC Syndrome. Of all the
components of this acronym, E is most vital. E stands for Energy-in-Motion. All life depends on harmonious free flowing energy. After all, without life force energy, we cease to exist.
The other six components of this syndrome are contributing factors to the loss of energy, both at a cellular level and the body in general. Pathogenic organisms are merely opportunistic scavengers
attracted to toxic, nutrient imbalanced, dehydrated hosts; humans. Regardless, there are steps they we can take to minimize exposure to and proliferation of these pathogens. Here are a few
To help avoid any infection, you should first stop doing those things that contribute to sickness and start doing those things that contribute to health. Here
is a short list:
Stop –
1. Eating junk food; fried, preserved, microwaved, cooked-to-death, commercial, pesticide-laden “stuff.” There is no vitality, energy or nutrients to speak of.
2. Drinking soda filled with sugar, phosphoric acid, preservatives, dyes and other toxic chemicals. Sodas are extremely unhealthy.
3. Eating sugar! Sugar is the number one additive that compromises the immune system, creates an acid pH, lowers tissue oxygen and contributes to sickness and dis-ease. If you do eat any sugar at
all, you must do something to negate, block or burn it off. Along with soda, sugar contributes to osteoporosis and the loss of vital minerals.
5. Eating or drinking commercial, pasteurized diary products — especially if you have a lung infection. To the contrary, raw, UNpasteurized diary provides nutrients and healthy probiotics and
therefore is good to consume in moderation.
6. Using your cell phone without an ear piece or Bluetooth connection.
7. Drinking alcohol in excess. One portion; glass of wine, beer or drink per day can easily be metabolized by the body and liver without complications, more than that and you risk having problems
including dehydration and nutrient depletion.
8. Avoiding the sun. The sun is the single best way to acquire much needed vitamin D3. Do not use sun screen; however, do not get a sun burn.
9. Negative thoughts about you and your life or your friends or loved ones. Negative thoughts are toxic and will help to create sickness and dis-ease. The number one negative emotion is fear. Fear
is usually generated from not knowing. Education and taking effect action remove fear.
Start -
1. Hydrating the body by drinking at least 64 oz. of pristine distilled water daily with added electrolytic minerals. Add an alkalizer to insure an alkaline pH, negative ionic charge and to
neutralize the effects of chlorine.
2. Detoxifying the body on a regular basis.
3. Remineralize and fortify the body with a full complex of mineral supplement.
4. Regulating and normalizing glucose.
5. Modulating the immune system with any one of many foods and products including garlic, onions, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, Asian mushrooms and more.
6. Relaxing by getting plenty of rest and sleep.
7. Oxygenating through regular, effective exercise.
8. De-Stressing by practicing stress releasing techniques like EFT or the Healing Codes.
9. Washing your hands each time you touch possible contaminated articles and especially after shaking someone’s hand. Wash your hands at least three or more times per day. Do NOT use
anti-bacterial soap as this only lowers your resistance to infections over time.
10. Avoiding people that are coughing and sneezing or are obviously sick. Although only sick people get sick there is no need to be heavily exposed.
11. Eating a lot of alkaline foods. Pathogenic organisms typically do NOT thrive in an alkaline environment. Eat and juice the following now and forever:
A. Alkalinizing Vegetables
B. Alkalinizing Fruits
C. Alkalinizing Protein
D. Alkalinizing Other
E. Alkalinizing Sweeteners
Stevia, Xylitol (neutralizes).
F. Alkalinizing Minerals
G. Alkalinizing Spices and Seasonings
H. Alkalinizing Oriental Vegetables
I. Potassium Broth Soup
More details about the above choices at the original article at Natural News
Remember, you don’t need to adhere strictly to the alkaline side of the chart, just make sure a good percentage of the foods you eat come from that side. Our bodies are alkaline by design and
acid by function. The fluids that make up 75% plus of your body must remain alkaline for you to experience optimal health. Maintaining proper alkalinity is essential for life, health, and vitality.
Simply, an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition favorable to the growth of bacteria, yeast and other unwanted organisms. All leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized pH
(or the acid-alkaline balance) as the most important aspect of a balanced and healthy body.
Read full article at Natural News
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